High contrast all-optical diode based on direction-dependent optical bistability within asymmetric ring cavity
Xia Xiu-Wen1, 2, †, , Zhang Xin-Qin1, Xu Jing-Ping2, Yang Ya-Ping2
School of Mathematics and Physics, Jinggangshan University, Ji’an 343009, China
MOE Key laboratory of Advanced Micro-structure Materials, School of Physics Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China


† Corresponding author. E-mail: jgsuxxw@126.com

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11274242, 11474221, and 11574229), the Joint Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the China Academy of Engineering Physics (Grant No. U1330203), and the National Key Basic Research Special Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 2011CB922203 and 2013CB632701).


We propose a simple all-optical diode which is comprised of an asymmetric ring cavity containing a two-level atomic ensemble. Attributed to spatial symmetry breaking of the ring cavity, direction-dependent optical bistability is obtained in a classical bistable system. Therefore, a giant optical non-reciprocity is generated, which guarantees an all-optical diode with a high contrast up to 22 dB. Furthermore, its application as an all-optical logic AND gate is also discussed.

The optical diode is essential in optical computation and communication,[14] as well as in the quantum information processing area. Until now, kinds of non-reciprocal schemes have been fabricated, such as the magneto-optic[57] and acousto-optic effects systems,[8] the chiral structures,[9,10] nonlinear parity asymmetric systems,[1114] etc. However, most of them were either active which need strong external electromagnetic field, or very complicated which need an accurate micro/nano-scale processing technique.

Recently, non-reciprocal light transport has been realized experimentally in a parity-time asymmetric system.[15,16] Parity-time symmetry can be broken by taking into account the gain saturation in an active resonator.[16] Although the coupled active-passive whispering-gallery microcavities can provide a non-reciprocal isolation ratio from −8 dB to +8 dB, high-Q resonator is needed and it is not passive. In this work, we will show a high contrast optical diode up to 22 dB in a pure passive system comprised of an asymmetric ring cavity containing a saturable absorptive atomic ensemble, which indicates that active medium, parity-time asymmetry and high-Q resonators are not always necessary.

In our previous work,[17,18] we have shown that the time-reversal asymmetry, spatial asymmetry and optical nonlinearity are three significant factors for optical non-reciprocity, which is consistent with the result of Ref. [19]. In the present work, we will show a giant non-reciprocity in a classical atomic gas-cavity coupling system, which easily fits these three factors. Specifically, optical nonlinearity naturally happens due to saturable absorption of gas, and spatial symmetry can be broken by furnishing different reflectivity walls, meanwhile time-reversal asymmetry is naturally satisfied by taking into account non-radiative dissipations of the cavity and the resonant absorption of atoms.

Although optical absorptive bistability was realized first in 1969,[20] and since then on, a great deal of attention has been paid to observing and understanding the phenomenon of optical bistability[2124] in symmetric or one-side cavity, there was little work on controllable bistability within asymmetric cavity.[18,25] In our previous work,[18] we have presented a new proposal to obtain giant optical non-reciprocity up to 13 dB by using single-atom controllable bistability in an asymmetric cavity. We have shown that single-atom bistable states were controlled by the asymmetric walls of the cavity and it is feasible to realize the smallest all-optical diode. However, the manipulation of single atom in nano-cavity is still tough in a quantum optical system. It will be much convenient if we can realize this kind of optical diode in a classical optical bistable system.

In this work, we pay attention to the asymmetric ring cavity containing a two-level atomic ensemble which can be performed much more easily under the present technology. More interestingly, we also find an apparent direction-dependent bistability within the asymmetric ring cavity, which can be used to realize a much higher contrast optical diode up to 22 dB. Specifically, under a certain input power, it shall operate in the linear regime (Iin < Il) for the forward input case while it shall work in the saturated regime (Iin > Iu) for the backward input case. Here Iin, Il, and Iu are the input intensity, the lower, and upper threshold intensities of bistability regime, respectively.

The model considered is shown in Fig. 1. This model is similar to the prototype of a Fabry-Perot resonator filled with a saturable absorber presented in Refs. [20] and [26], but it has been modified with asymmetric ring cavity now. To simplify the analysis, its four mirrors M1, M2, M3, and M4 are lossless. M3 and M4 are ideal mirrors with 100% reflectivity, while M1 and M2 are different from each other to present the asymmetry of the ring cavity, which are characterized by different reflected and transmitted coefficients, i.e., r1, r2, t1, and t2, respectively. Meanwhile, their reflectivities and transmittivities are defined by Tj = |tj|2 and Rj = |rj|2 (j = 1, 2), respectively. On the upper branch of the ring cavity, it is filled with a saturable two-level atomic ensemble with length l, which is marked by a gray shadow.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of an asymmetric ring resonator. The electric fields Ein, Er, Et are defined on the mirrors 1 and 2. Arrows show directions of propagation. The gray shadow is the saturable absorber in the cavity with length l.

Here, we distinguish the forward input case from the backward input case. The forward input case is shown in Fig. 1, in which the input field Ein is incident from M1 to M2, while the backward input case refers to opposite one incident from M2 to M1. Taking the forward input case for example, after a similar derivation to that in Ref. [20], we can obtain the relation between input power Iin ∝ |Ein|2 and output power It ∝ |Et|2,


refers to the multi-reflection in cavity. Unlike the usual linear optics, the absorption coefficient α(x) is dependent on the field intensity in the saturable two-level atomic ensemble If ∝ |Ef|2 and it is also position-dependent in general, which can be expressed as

Here, α0 is the linear absorption coefficient and Is is the critical power of saturable atomic ensemble. The field intensity in the saturable medium If is also related to nonlinear absorption coefficient, writing

By using the iterative method we can solve Eqs. (1)–(3) numerically and obtain the steady relationship between It and Iin. The method adapted here is a little different from the mean field approximation adopted in Refs. [20] and [26] concerning the optical bistability in symmetry cavity, in which the nonlinear absorption coefficient α was spatially averaged and independent of its position. It should be pointed out that for the backward input case, equations (1) and (2) are not changed, but T2 should be replaced by T1 in Eq. (3).

In order to check the availability of our method, we calculate the input-output relation for the case of symmetric cavity first, i.e., R1 = R2. By fixing the linear absorption coefficient as α0l = 3.75 which was presented in Ref. [20], the curves of It versus Iin are plotted in Fig. 2(a) with different values of R1 = R2. The figure shows that when R1 = R2 > 0.8, the optical bistability happens. For any bistable state, bistable regime is characterized by two threshold intensities Il and Iu. On the other hand, by fixing the mirrors of R1 = R2 = 0.9, we plot the curves of It versus Iin in Fig. 2(b) with different values of α0l. It shows that the bistable states happen when α0l > 1.25. These results are in accordance with the results in previous studies and show that the bistable states appear only in a definite range of input intensities with using appropriate parameters.[21]

Fig. 2. Optical bistability in symmetric ring cavity. In panel (a) we take α0l = 3.75, and R1 = R2 = 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, and the bistable state of R1 = R2 = 0.9 taken for example, optical bistable regime (Il, Iu) bounded by two green dotted lines, which separate it from the linear regime (0, Il) and saturated regime (Iu, ∞). In panel (b) we set R1 = R2 = 0.9 and α0l = 1.25, 2.00, and 3.75.

Now we discuss the direction-dependent optical bistability induced by spatial symmetry breaking in the asymmetric ring cavity. The reflectivities of mirrors M1 and M2 are set to be R1 = 0.8 and R2 = 0.9 to present asymmetric ring cavity, respectively. By fixing α0l = 3.75, the relations between It and Iin for forward and backward input cases are plotted as the solid and dashed curves in Fig. 3(a), respectively. Comparing the curves in Fig. 3(a) with the blue and red curves in Fig. 2(a), we find that bistable phenomena in the asymmetric cavity are very different from those in the symmetric cavity. In a spatial asymmetric system, optical bistability is direction-dependent now.

Fig. 3. Direction-dependent optical bistability and non-reciprocity in asymmetric ring cavity. We take α0l = 3.75, and R1 = 0.8, R2 = 0.9 to present the asymmetry of the cavity. Panel (a) shows the It versus Iin, where the black solid line refers to the forward input case and red dashed line to the backward input case. The two vertical green dotted lines indicate the optimal input intensity window. Panel (b) shows T versus Iin in the optimal window, where the black line denotes the forward transmittivity Tf and the red curve represents the backward transmittivity Tb.

For the forward input case, input field is incident on M1 with R1 = 0.8 at first, and the solid curve in Fig. 3(a) is similar to the red dashed curve in Fig. 2(a), but the bistable regime of Iin in asymmetric cavity is much wider than that in symmetric cavity with R1 = R2 = 0.8. For the backward input case, the input field is incident on M2 with R2 = 0.9 at first, and the dashed curve in Fig. 3(a) is more similar to the blue dotted curve in Fig. 2(a), but the bistable regime for backward input case is narrower than that of symmetric cavity with R1 = R2 = 0.9. Therefore, in the asymmetric cavity, optical bistability is highly direction-dependent. The result of direction-dependent absorptive bistability in classical system is in line with our previous prediction of controllable single atom bistability in quantum optical system.[18]

The non-reciprocal transport in the present asymmetric system originates from the varying optical nonlinearities induced by absorption saturation in two input cases, which is similar to that in the active system.[16] More importantly, our scheme works in the bistable regime while the active system does not, which is the reason why our scheme can generate much higher transmission contrast than previous ones. In this work, the optical bistable regime is separated significantly between the forward and backward input cases. Therefore, our scheme will provide excellent optical non-reciprocity. Furthermore, our scheme is passive and without high-Q resonators.

Here, we show how to construct an efficient optical diode under the optimal window of operation power. As shown in Fig. 3(a), when the input power is located in the optimal window, i.e., Iin ∈ [5.24,9.48], forward input field can transport the cavity easily but the backward input field is blocked completely. The values of normalized transmittivity T = It/Iin for the forward input case Tf and backward input case Tb are plotted in Fig. 3(b) in the optimal window. It is shown that the optical diode contrast C = 10 × log10(Tf/Tb) can easily reach 22 dB in the present classical optical bistable system.

To explain such a direction-dependent optical bistability and non-reciprocity analytically, we explore the bistability condition in detail. Since the value of αl is near zero undergoing large input power, the exponential term eαl can be approximated by 1 − αl. Taking the forward input case for example, with the definition of X = Iin/(IsT2) and Y = It/(IsT2), the equation connecting the input power Iin and the transmitted power It can be simplified into

where p = (1 − r1r2)/(t1t2) and k0 = α0l·r1r2/(2t1t2). If Y has three solutions for a certain X, then bistability happens. The thresholds of bistability for Eq. (4) are the solutions of equation B2 − 4AC = 0, where A = b2 − 3ac, B = bc − 9ad, C = c2 − 3bd, and a = p2, b = 2p(p+k0) − X, c = (p+k0)2 − 2X, d = −X. Notice that equation (4) is independent of the input direction because r1 and r2 as well as t1 and t2 always appear in couples, therefore the threshold of X for bistability is direction-independent.

However, the threshold intensities Il and Iu are direction-dependent due to the definition X = Iin/(IsT2). For the case of forward input, Il (Iu) ∝ T2. Meanwhile for the case of backward input, Il (Iu) ∝ T1. In Fig. 3, T1 = 0.2 and T2 = 0.1, the threshold Il and Iu for the forward input case (solid curve) are 4.74 and 5.12, respectively; meanwhile Il and Iu for the backward input case (dashed curve) are 9.48 and 10.24, respectively, which are double compared with the threshold intensities in the forward input case. It presents a remarkable direction-dependent bistability in the asymmetric cavity.

The direction-dependent optical bistability can be used not only as optical diode or isolator, but also as optical switching, memory, transistor,[27] etc. Here we introduce a new application as optical logic AND gate. Despite the superiority of such a kind of logic gate, our proposal provides a new access to it at least. The block diagram of such a logic AND gate is shown in Fig. 4, where two optical signals Ia and Ib are incident on the left wall M1 of saturated bistable optical device through an add/drop filter and output signal It transports from the right wall M2. We present a random phase mask on the line of Ib to ensure the two input fields are fully decoherent. Therefore, the input power is Iin = Ia + Ib. After transmitting through the saturable absorptive bistable device, the output power It depends on the optical bistable state.

Fig. 4. Block diagram of an all-optical AND gate.

Here, optical logic states 0 and 1 are characterized by the intensity of the field, which can be defined as

where I1 and δe (≪ I1) are the threshold intensity of logic 1 and its tolerance, respectively. In order to obtain logic AND gate, Iin = I1 should be located in the linear regime while Iin = 2I1 in the saturated regime with It(2I1) = I1 to ensure the output logic state is true.

As is well known, the output power It in the saturated regime can be simplified into a linear function, i.e., It = a + b·(IinIl), where a and b are the fitting parameters. In principle, a and b as well as Il can be adjusted by the reflectivities of walls. Logic AND gate should fulfill the following conditions at least, i.e. δe < a/2 and I1 ∈ (Iu/2 + a/2, Ila/2).

As an example, we set α0l = 3.75, R1 = 0.8, R2 = 0.9 and plot curve of It versus Iin in Fig. 5 to illustrate the operating power of optical AND gate. After numerical simulation and linear fitting we obtain Il = 4.74, Iu = 5.24, a = 1.07, and b = 1.017. Therefore, with the coded power I1 = 3.69 and δe < 0.51, we can realize the optical logic AND gate. It can be easily verified that only for logic input state (1,1) the output logic state is true when we calculate the output It at different input states as shown in Table 1. It should be pointed out that although we take an asymmetric system for example here to illustrate logic AND gate, it is different from such a kind of optical diode. To construct such a kind of logic AND gate, the spatial asymmetry is not always necessary.

Fig. 5. Illustration of optical logic AND gate. We set α0l = 3.75, R1 = 0.8, and R2 = 0.9, the linear fit curve in the saturated regime is plotted as a red dashed line. We can obtain the values of Il, Iu, and a to be 4.74, 5.24, and 1.07 from the bistable curve, respectively. The two vertical green dotted lines characterize the bistable regime IuIl and the horizontal green dotted line shows the value of a.
Table 1.

Logical operations of AND gate.


Finally, we discuss the experimental proposal to such an optical diode and a logic AND gate. Since there are many bistable experiments done in symmetric classical macro cavity, we can retain their main equipment presented in Ref. [20] but only replace the symmetric cavity with the asymmetric ring cavity. However, the bistable operating power was rather high in the past work and it should be lowered to an acceptable level. As is well known, the saturable critical power Is ∝ 1/μ2τ,[20,28,29] where μ and τ are atomic dipole moment and the atomic lifetime of the saturable medium in the resonator, respectively. Thus larger μ and τ are beneficial to lower Is.[22] Recently, there were a remarkable series of experiments in bistable multiple-quantum-well devices that lowered the critical power to an acceptable level.[24,27] Since silicon-based optical micro devices are desired, we also present a possible experimental proposal based on micro/nano technology. Recently, on-chip whispering-gallery microcavities with gain and loss have been fabricated.[16] Therefore, it is not difficult to construct such a four-mirror ring cavity with loss in one of the rectangle sides after careful designing. Four Bragg reflectors[30] should be placed in the corners of ring cavity and the spatial asymmetry can be obtained by furnishing different Bragg reflectors. Therefore, it is feasible to realize such a kind of optical diode and logic AND gate.

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